Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Apple Mac Pro

Its almost 35 years after invention of typical PC and more importantly the box typed CPU.
But now revolution is coming. Apple is going to release its new PC called Mac Pro. And believe me,you are going to be surprised by watching its shape!

New Mac Pro with amazing shape!
First of all I want to congratulate Apple engineers for choosing this innovative and revolutionary design. They said they made it by considering future look of PC, and I must say that they done right thing.

New power structure
This new Mac Pro is powered by ultra fast Xeon processor(gives up to 12 core processing power!!!) which is worlds fastest processor and have dual GPU(graphics processing unit) which supports videos at optimum level. Becuase of that,new Mac Pro is double powerful then current Mac Pro. 

Another gem in new Mac Pro is that, it contains four DDR3 RAM running at 1866 Mhz which makes it ultra fast. In simple words we can say it has whooping 6 GB of RAM!
For memory purpose, Mac Pro has flash drive memory which have replaced traditional SATA HDD which is 10X slower then this flash drive.

Mac Pro contains single fan to remove heat.
The Mac Pro have new innovative design, and because of that it can remove all the produced heat generated by GPU and processor  from a single fan which is located on above a part of CPU which is very strategically placed. It works extremely well.

Other important features are support of USB 3.0 , HDMI 1.4 , Gigabit Ethernet and Thunderbolt 2 and bluetooth 4.0

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